Come, Follow Me: Simple Joyful Home
Come, Follow Me: Simple Joyful Home
BUILDER: I Build and Bring Light!
Reading: D&C 10 & 11
Today we discover how God and Satan nurture relationships which seems especially fitting for the month of February when we highlight our love for each other. February, the month of love, is the perfect time to evaluate our most important relationships and how we can build them and bring more love and light. Today we learn all about how to bring the build by learning from Satan's example what to avoid and by embracing a deeper understanding of how Christ builds.
How does Satan nurture a relationship?
He stirs in anger, destruction, and negativity
How does God nurture a relationship?
He builds and brings light.
Join us as we learn how Christ and Heavenly Father build strong relationships and how we can model after those examples as we strive to build and strengthen relationships in our homes and lives.
Todays tools:
Highlight the moments you build and bring light.
"Today I was a builder when...!"
"Today I brought Light ...!"
Highlight the moments others build and bring light.
Today you helped me build ...!
Today you brought light to my day by...!
Highlight the moments God builds and brings light.
Today you came not to destroy but to build when.... Thank you!
Today you shone a light in my world by .... Thank you!
Come share your highlights with us this week on Instagram and Facebook @simplejoyfulhome
We would love to be built up and inspired by your light!